Tuesday 6 May 2014

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship

        ESDGC studies concerns developing individuals skills which will enable them to participate in improving their own lives, and for sustainable development in the future. It focuses on modern day issues which have become evident in the world, such as pollution, preserving the environment, minimising inequalities, awareness of human rights and working towards harmony. 

          ESDGC is rooted in the curriculum, embedded in most subjects. It encourages pupils to think about the challenges the world faces, and the complexity of them. It provides an awareness of individual's Human Rights, and how they play a role in our lives. ESDGC discuses issues such as poverty, power and resources, consumption, local and global implications, health, identity and culture, decisions and quality of life. 

ESDGC [Online]. [Accessed 5 May 2014]. Available from https://hwb.wales.gov.uk/cms/hwbcontent/Shared%20Documents/vtc/2008-09/esdgc/getting-you-going/index.html

Welsh Government, ESDGC.  [Online]. [Accessed 5 May 2014]. Available from

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